Chess 101: How to Set Up a Chess Board

So, you’ve decided to embark on a journey into the captivating world of chess. Kudos to you! Before you get your game face on and start planning your grandmaster strategy, it’s essential to master the basics. And that begins with setting up your chess board correctly. Don’t worry; it’s not as daunting as it might seem. Let’s break it down, step by step.

The Basics: What You Need

First things first, make sure you’ve got all your gear ready. Here’s the checklist:

You’ll need a chessboard – that’s your battlefield, the 64-square grid where all the action takes place. Place it on a flat surface between you and your opponent, ensuring that the bottom-right square on your side should always be light-colored.

You’ll also need 32 chess pieces, divided into two armies, one white and one black. These are your troops, and they include your heavy hitters, your support units, and your foot soldiers.

The Royal Back Rank

Start setting up your board with the back row, also known as the “rank.” Begin with the corners – these are reserved for the Rooks. Each Rook stands like a sentinel, guarding your flanks. Next to them, the Knights take their positions, ready to leap into action. Beside the Knights, place the Bishops. One Bishop stands on a light square, and the other on a dark square. This arrangement is crucial because it helps cover different types of squares on the board.

Now, here’s the most vital part: The Queen and King. Your Queen, the powerhouse, goes in her rightful place, a square of her color, and that leaves the King to complete the royal couple. They should never be directly across from each other on the board.

The Pawn Frontline

With the back rank all set, move to the front row, or the “second rank.” Here, you have all your Pawns. Line them up, standing shoulder to shoulder, ready to march forward into the heart of the battle. The Pawns are your first line of defense and your primary tools for controlling the center of the board.

Taking a Step Back

Now that you’ve placed all your pieces, step back and admire your handiwork. Your chessboard should mirror your opponent’s, with each side looking the same, except for the colors, of course. Each player’s back row should consist of Rooks, Knights, Bishops, Queen, and King, while the second row is entirely made up of Pawns. It will look like the image below when done correctly.

Initial setup of chessboard

A Few Pro Tips

Before you dive headfirst into your first game, here are some additional tips:

Remember the Queen’s square: She always goes on her color - the white Queen on a white square and the black Queen on a black square.

Kings' placement: Ensure that your King is never positioned directly in front of your opponent’s Queen, or vice versa, to prevent an early checkmate.

Knights and Bishops: The Knights and the Bishops have specific starting squares, and they always start on the same color square as their original square throughout the game.

Final Thoughts

And there you have it! You’ve successfully set up your chess board and are ready to dive into the mesmerizing world of chess strategy, tactics, and epic battles. Remember, setting up the board is just the beginning. As you play more games, you’ll discover the endless possibilities and intricate strategies that make chess one of the most timeless and rewarding board games ever created. So, grab a friend, an opponent, or your computer screen, and start your chess adventure today! May your moves be sharp and your victories sweet!

Unsure of how each piece moves in chess? If so, check out the next article in our Chess 101 series: learning how each chess piece moves!